Objective: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of Fine needle aspiration cytology and Ultrasonography of neck swellings.
Material And Method: The present study was conducted at Department of Pathology, Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMSR), Bathinda, from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017.The study design was prospective diagnostic accuracy study.The present study was conducted at Department of Pathology, Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMSR), Bathinda, from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017.The study design was prospective diagnostic accuracy study.
RESULT: In this study most of the patients were aged between 41 to 50 years (24.29%). However, 5.71% of the patients were aged < 18 years and 4.28% of the patients were aged > 60 years. The mean age was 40.23±15.13 years. In the present study the common site swelling was thyroid swelling (62.8%) followed by swellings on nape of neck (14.2%), lymph nodes (10%) and miscellaneous swellings (12.8%).The sensitivity of USG considering HPE as gold standard was 50% with specificity of 93.75%, PPV of 42.86, NPV of 95.24% and diagnostic accuracy was 90%. The sensitivity of FNAC considering HPE as gold standard was 83.33% with specificity of 100%, PPV of 100%, NPV of 98.46% and diagnostic accuracy was 98.57%.
Conclusion: FNAC is more sensitive and has higher diagnostic accuracy than USG.