Background-The currently available treatments for warts, including cryosurgery, laser surgery, electrosurgery, and topical keratolytic applications, are often very painful and can induce disfiguring scars. Recently, intralesional bleomycin and MMR vaccine has been shown to be effective in the management of warts.
Aim- our aim was to compare the efficacy of intralesional bleomycin with intralesional MMR vaccine in treatment of cutaneous warts.
Method- The selected patients were randomized into two treatment groups Patients received either intralesional bleomycin or MMR vaccine for maximum of 4 treatment 2 weeks apart. Patients had their warts measured at base line and with each return visit including a post treatment follow up at 6 week apart from last treatment taken.
Results-our results have shown a 96 % cure rate with intralesional bleomycin and 80% cure rate with MMR vaccine in cutaneous warts.
Conclusion-Intralesional bleomycin was significantly more effective than intralesional MMR vaccine for treatment of cutaneous warts.