Background: The associated serum lipid alterations in CKD enhance the risk of atherosclerosis and favor the higher incidence of cardiovascular complications. Dyslipidemia is a most significant risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and it is common along with patients having CKD.
Objective: To evaluate serum lipid profile in CKD patients and healthy individuals.
Materials and methods: 50 patients aged 18-60 years who were diagnosed as Chronic Kidney Disease by determination of serum urea, serum creatinine level and 50 healthy individuals as controls. Overnight fasting venous blood samples were collected from both groups for Lipid Profile estimation. Urea and Creatinine estimation were also done to test for renal function.
Results: Dyslipidemia was observed in CKD patients characterized by a statistically significant increase in serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides, serum LDL &serum VLDL with decreases in serum HDL in CKD patients when compared with the controls.
Conclusion: The accompanying serum lipid alterations in CKD enhance the risk of atherosclerosis and favor the higher incidence of cardiovascular complications. So, the strict monitoring of lipid profile can reduce the morbidity &mortality rate and will also improve the quality of life of CKD patients.