Introduction: Perforations can occur during any endodontic process. Its management is decisive in the tooth’s prognosis. Perforation repair is done prior to endodontic therapy, leading to interaction of irrigants with the repair material. Biodentine is a widely used repair material.
Aim: Evaluate the push out bond strength of Biodentine after treatment with final rinse agents, Q MiX, 17% EDTA, Glyde File Prep and 10% Citric acid.
Materials and Methods: In this study 60 dentine slices of 2-mm thickness were prepared with lumen 1.3mm. Biodentine was placed in the samples and incubated for 24 hours. Subdivision of groups into 6 was done; distilled water (control), Saline, 17% EDTA, 10% Citric acid, Q Mix and Glyde File Prep. Immersion was done for 30 minutes. The samples were sent for push out test.
Results: Results showed that Control showed the highest bond strength followed by Q Mix, saline, citric acid, EDTA and Glyde file prep. Q Mix showed the least negative influence on the pushout bond strength of Biodentine as compared to other final rinse agents.
Conclusion: Q Mix is the irrigants of choice in case of perforation repair with Biodentine as final rinse agent.