Aim – The aim of this study was to compare between unstimulated and stimulated whole salivary flow rate before, immediately after and 2 months after complete denture placement in diabetic and non- diabetic patients.
Materials and Methods – In this study, total 40 edentulous individuals requiringcomplete denture prosthesis were selected from the Department of Prosthodontics, Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet, Karnataka, India. 20 patients were healthy and 20 patients were having type II diabetes mellitus. The unstimulated and stimulated whole salivary flow rates were measured at three stages i.e. i) Before complete denture placement;ii) Immediately after complete denture placement; and iii) After 2 months of complete denture placement. Saliva production was stimulated by chewing paraffin wax.Flow rate was calculated as collected volume/collection time. Statistical analysis was done by Independent t test and One Way ANOVA test for comparison.
Results - Statistically significant differences were seen in unstimulated and stimulated salivary flow rate before, immediately after, and after 2 months of complete denture placement. Salivary flow rates were higher for non-diabetic patients then diabetic patients. Compared to baseline i.e. before denture placement, salivary flow rates were significantly higher immediately after and 2 months after denture placement in both non-diabetic and diabetic participants.
Conclusion - Stimulated whole salivary flow rates were significantly higher than the unstimulated whole salivary flow rates obtained before, immediately after, and after 2 months of complete denture placement in both non-diabetic and diabetic participants.