Aim: The aim of the study was to find out the efficacy of Balance Board Training (BBT) programme for patients with hemiplegia
Methods: Thirty six subjects with hemiplegic patients who are poor balance were selected for this study. FRT Functional Reach Test was used for the objective measurement of patients with poor balance. The pre and post therapy values were statistically analyzed on the effect of balance board training (BBT) programme for patient with hemiplegia.
Result: The statistical analysis of functional reach test scores between pre-treatment mean value is 5.333 S.D is 0.687 and post-treatment mean value is 9.333, S.D 1.878, paired t-test value is -15.4346 and P value is <0.000. The result is significant at P (<0.0001).
The statistical analysis shows that, there is significant difference between pre and post stages. Balance was comparatively better with early stages of hemiplegia.
Conclusion: Balance Board Training (BBT) programme can be used effectively as one of the interventions in occupational therapy rehabilitation, improves balance in patients with hemiplegia