Background: The association between Hearing loss and diabetes, first mentioned by Jardao in 1857, had been under continuous research since then; giving both positive and negative results. This study aims to explore the relationship of hearing loss with type II diabetes.
Aims and Objective: To identify association between sensorineural hearing loss and diabetes mellitus
Methods: 120 patients with type II DM were enrolled in this study, audiometrically evaluated. Apart from audiological tests, haematological tests like FBS, PPBS, HbA1c etc done.
Results: In this studyit was observed that 66 (55%) of the patients were females and 54 (45%) were males. The female were more effected then male , the prevalence of SNHL in patients with diabetes mellitus was found to be 48 (40%) patients and 72 (60%) patients having normal hearing, the severity of hearing loss was minimal in 24 (20%), mild in18 (15%), moderate and moderately severe in 3 (2.5%) each . In the present study the prevalence of SNHL increased with age that is 37 (53.62%) of patients aged between 41 to 50 years had hearing loss compared to 3 (10.71%) of patients who were aged between 18 to 30 years. The 8 (34.78%) patients had hearing loss having aged between 31 to 40 years. In this study the prevalence of SNHL was high in those patients who presented with duration of more than 10 years (75.00%) while it was less in those who had duration of 4 years or less (32.97%). Conclusions: Our study evidently demonstrated the association between sensorineural hearing loss and diabetes mellitus. Advancing age was found to correlate well with increasing hearing impairment Duration of diabetes mellitus correlated significantly with increasing hearing impairment.