Introduction Atrial fibrillation is the most common sustained arrhythmia. It is marked by disorganized, rapid and irregular atrial contraction. Objectives of The Study 1) To study various clinical presentation of atrial fibrillation of patients admitted in SAIMS Hospital, Indore) To assess the frequency of underlying heart disease in patients with atrial fibrillation Materials And Methods This study is a clinical, prospective, observational study conducted at SAIMS Hospital-Indore, from December 2017 to June 2019. Detailed history was taken from patient and meticulous examination was done according to prepared proforma. Result The age of the patients varied from 30 to 85 years the maximum number of cases were seen between 60-79 years which was 15 cases. In the present study the male to female ratio was almost equal with 24(48%) male and 26(52%) female cases. Dyspnoea is the commonest symptom followed by palpitations. All the 50 cases had irregularly irregular pulse with a varying rate from 74 to 128 per minute. The pulse deficit varied from 10-26 per minute. XI Rheumatic valvular heart disease is the most common aetiology of atrial fibrillation observed in the present study. Mitral stenosis is the commonest valvular lesion observed in patients with rheumatic heart disease in the present study. Congestive cardiac failure is the most common complication observed followed by embolic phenomenon. In the present study left ventricular enlargement was seen in 18 cases on chest x ray. Left atrial enlargement was seen in 33 cases, 24 of cases were of chronic valvular rheumatic heart disease on 2D Echocardiography. Conclusion Atrial fibrillation was most commonly seen in Rheumatic heart disease followed by ischemic heart disease. Dyspnoea is the most common presenting complaint and congestive cardiac failure is the commonest complication.