Background and purpose: Phonophoresis was believed to influence drug delivery by increasing cell permeability, causing particle oscillations within the tissue and drug milieu. This trial was designed to investigate the effect of Glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and Methylsulfonylmethane Phonophoresis (PH) in knee osteoarthritis (OA).
Basic methods: Seventy patients OA allocated randomly into three groups, PH group, Topical group, and control group. Participants in the three groups received hamstrings and calf muscles stretch, and isometric strengthening of the quadriceps, 3 sessions per week for 12 successive weeks. Pain, active ROM, and function were assessed before and after 12 weeks.
Main results: PH group reported higher improvement of pain, ROM and functional disability. Overall effect yielded significant difference between groups regarding pain (F=194.7, P<0.0001), ROM (F=74.53, P<0.0001), and functional disability (F=124.95, P<.0001). A significant difference of pain, ROM and functional disability was found between PH vs topical application, PH vs control.
Principal Conclusion: Glucosamine sulfate, Chondroitin sulfate and Methylsulfonylmethane phonophoresis is superior to topical application for the short term treatment of knee osteoarthritis. It provided statistically significant improvements in pain, neck ROM and functional disability in knee OA.