Clinical and histopathological analysis of variants of papillary carcinoma of thyroid gland- report from a tertiary care center in kerala, south india

Lakshmanan P. P., Anilakumari V. P and Byjo V

Introduction: Papillary carcinoma of thyroid (PTC) is the most commonthyroid cancer and one among the most curable of all cancers. Recent reports emphasize that, it should be further sub-classified into its variants because of prognostic implication. The purpose of this study to assess the frequencies of different variants of papillary carcinoma thyroid from our patient population and study their association with clinical characteristics.
Methods: A total of 81 patients with post-operative diagnosis ofPTCseen in our institution during 2014-2015 were included in the study.
Results: Out of the 81 patients, there were 65 (80.2%) females and 16 (19.8%) male patients. All patients had neck swelling at presentation. Forty four (54.3%) patients presented with thyroid swelling of less than six months duration. Seven variants of PTC were identified in our series- classical PTC (n=56; 69%), follicular variant (n=11; 14%), micropapillary variant (n=6; 7%), tall cell variant (n=4; 5 %), encapsulated variant(n=2; 3%), and diffuse sclerosing and oncocytic variants(n=1 each; 1 %) each. The AMES risk stratification did not differ across histological subtypes. Males were more likely to have high-risk disease when compared to females (62% vs. 33%; p<0.001).
Conclusions: Among patients with PTC about 80% patients are femaleand majority of male patients with PTC belongs to high risk group. Consistent with previous observations, classical PTC was most common followed by the follicular variant.

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