Objective: To determine the characterization of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in adults from the Prospera Program in the community of Zontecomatlán, Guerrero. Method: the design was quantitative, cross-sectional, with a convenience sample of 98 adults from Zontecoman, from the prospera program, the instrument designed by Tuomilehto and Lindström was used, with adaptations according to the NOM For the Prevention, Treatment and Control of Diabetes Mellitus In Primary Care, and according to current anthropometric standards, the SPSS version 21 statistical package was used for data capture and analysis. Results: the age was between 20 and 80 years, 78% female, 21% male, 30% dedicated to crafts, 27% to the countryside, 36% are housewives and 5% practice another profession, 45% without studies, 40 % primary, 5% secondary and high school and only 3% completed or continue studying the degree, the measurements of the periabdominal perimeter, in women it was 90 to 99 cm, in men it was 80 to 89 cm, 69% did not perform any type of activity that involves movement of 30 min a day, 30% yes, in the consumption of vegetables 3% consume daily and 97% no, most do not take medication for blood pressure (93.9%), 6.1% yes, most do not have Family history of DM2, while 4 report having a family history in their siblings and 12 in their parents with DMT-2, most do not present clinical manifestations of polydipsia, polyphagia or polyuria, and age does not influence their occurrence. Conclusions: adults should attend diabetes and hypertension control, perform daily exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, in addition, improve eating habits, emphasizing reducing the consumption of sugary drinks, increasing the intake of cereals, tubers, fruits and vegetables.