The study was conducted to investigate the socio-economic condition, livelihood status and comparative study of the fishermen around the two blocks of purulia district from February 2017 to July 2017. Fifty fishermen were randomly selected from the areas who were solely involved in fishing in the rivers. Several PRA tools were used to collect the data from the fishing communities such as, personal interview, crosscheck interview with extension agents, older persons, and transect walk and case study. A Comparison in the livelihood status specially in the economic upliftment was carried out in the tribals of Purulia district. The growth patterns and the relationship among the different input variable was under study in both cases that is before adoption of Tribal Sub Plan and after enjoying Tribal Sub Plan to judge whether there is any significant different between the two. For the socio economic upliftment of tribal people, Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) was formulated and adopted in different districts. From the research work carried in the district of Purulia it clearly shows a positive impact upon the culture and subsequently to the farmers.