Case series of hepatic encephalopathy in pregnancy: presentation, causes and outcome

Manisha Jhirwal, Vibha Rani Pipal and Satya Prakash Meena

Aim: Pregnant women presenting with complications of Acute or Chronic Liver diseases are often associated with poor prognosis. In this observational study we aimed to find out the association of different factors affecting the poor outcome.
Method: We compared and analyzed the clinical characteristics, laboratory examinations and the outcome in the form of maternal and fetal mortality.
Results: Maternal and neonatal adverse outcome mainly depend on thedeterioration of clinical and laboratory parameters at the time of admission. Hepatic encephalopathy can be prevented by timely measures taken during the disease progression.
Conclusion: Pregnant women are more susceptible to develop acute liver failure. Mortality rate is very high in cases associated with higher grades of hepatic encephalopathy, higher bilirubin, lower platelet counts and deranged coagulation profile.

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