A case report and review of literature of hereditary gingival fibromatosis

Mansi Tiwari, Sen., Anshul Sharma., Abhijeet Deoghare., Pramod Krishna B., Rajdeep Singh and Neha Agarwal

Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis (HGF) also referred to as idiopathic gingival hyperplasia is a rare type of slow growing gingival enlargement. HGF can present as an isolated entity or as part of a syndrome, the affected gingiva is characterized by firm, asymptomatic, nonhemorrhagic enlarged (hyperplastic) tissue with characteristic pale pink colour, covering most of the anatomic crown, involving usually all the quadrants. Pathogenesis of this disease is unclear. Gingivectomy and maintaining good oral hygiene is the treatment of choice in these cases.

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