Chronic myelogenous leukemia is a hematopoietic disorder characterized byincreased proliferation of granulocytes. The goal of the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia is hematologic, molecular and cytogenetic remission. The TCM treatment provides extended survival, increases the life expectancy, improves the quality of life, exerts a modulatory effect on the immune system and has a positive impact on molecular level in CML patients. In this article is presented a case of 31 year old woman, diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia for 3 years. The patient came to the clinic because she wanted to get pregnant, but feared that the leukemia condition will worsen and the immune system will collapse, because of stopping taking the Imatinib medication. The patient has done 5 acupuncture treatments, once weekly, with duration of 30-45 minutes each side of the body. After 5 treatments the BCR-ABL values decreased from 0.33% to 0.077%, indicating that the body is responding well to the treatment and the immunity is better. Leukocytes decreased from extremely high levels to normal from 204.9 to 5.5x103/ml. Thrombocytes decreased from 540 to 202x103/ml. Acupuncture as part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine is a very helpful and effective treatment in chronic and long-lasting conditions. Tre treatment enhances the immunity in immune-related conditions and boosts the body’s defenses and encourages the cells to reproduce.