Cancer is one of the dreadful diseases to human kind from its history. In our places this disease considered as that it will cause to death of the effected person and also causes the loss of all wealth of the effected person’s family. When the cells of the body divide in a particularpatternnormally the body growth takes place, but the division of cells takes place in an uncontrolled manner it become malignant. This disease does not consider the age, social status, gender or any other qualities of a man. Scientific studies shows that 35% of all cancers are related with diet and the other factors such as genetic mutations, environmental pollutions, U.V rays and emotional stress also causing cancer (Science Reporter, August 2015). Now cancer becomes a curable disease when it detected on time and treated not only with medicine but also with physical and mental therapy.
This paper aims to do a comparative study of religion wise, gender wise and economic division wise study of cancer patients in three panchayaths of Kannur District that is Mayyil Panchayath, Narath Panchayath and Kolachery Panchayath which are highly populated. These Panchayaths include mainly two communities that are Hindus and Muslims and the number of Christians in these Panchayaths is very low.
This study aims to find out the relationship between thecancer patients and their diet, life habits ( smoking, drinking and chewing), hereditary, economic condition,marital status and delivery status in case of females) in these three Panchayaths.