Introduction. The Biomedical waste (BMW) warrants save disposal as it can act as a potent source of infection. Objectives. To assess the knowledge and attitude of hospital staff regarding biomedical waste management (BMWM). Methodology. A cross sectional study was conducted on 177 hospital staff including Doctors, Nursing Staff, Laboratory Technicians and Sanitary Staff. Participants were selected using convenient sampling. Questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data was analysed using SPSS 21. Results. In current study, 57.8% participants self-declared their knowledge regarding BMWM as “Incomplete”. Majority (83.1%) participants claimed that they were “Fully Aware” of colour codes as per latest BMW rules. However, only 45.8% could correctly write new BMW colour codes. Only 57% participants had received training after BMW 2016 rules were announced. 96.6% participants had expressed interest to undergo training in BMWM in future. Conclusion: The knowledge and practices regarding BMWM of hospital staff were poor. The hospital must organise regular training sessions on BMWM to educate their staff.