Bacterial surface display system were developed to surface expose heterologous protein or peptide for various biotechnological and industrial application. Various outer membrane proteins such as FadL, LamB, LppOmpA, OmpA, OmpC, OmpF, OmpS, OprF and PhoE, have been used to display various peptides and proteins, including small molecular weight peptides, antibodies, domains, enzymes and receptors. The majority of the previously developed systems are only suitable for peptides or relatively small polypeptides. Therefore, the success of a bacterial cell surface display system is highly dependent on the choice of an anchoring motif that is appropriate for the intended target protein. Bacterial cell surface display is advantageous because the use of bacterial cells simplifies the polypeptide selection method and enables fast screening of potential recognition elements typically using fluorescence activated cell-sorting (FACS) and/or magnetic activated cell-sorting (MACS).This mini review mainly focus on construction of bacterial display, various scaffolds used for library screening and applications of bacterial display.