A pre-experimental study to assess effectiveness of folk media on the knowledge and perception regarding Ayushman Bharat-PMJAY among selected population of U.P. was conducted with the objective to assess the effectiveness of folk media on the knowledge and perception regarding Ayushman Bharat-PMJAY among selected population of U.P. Pre experimental research design was adopted and non-probability convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample. A structured questionnaire of 25 questions and perception likert scale of 10 items was prepared to assess the knowledge and perception of population regarding Ayushman Bharat-PMJAY. A structured knowledge questionnaire and structured perception scale on Ayushman Bharat -PMJAY (pre-test) was administered to the group, followed by administration of folk media on the Day-1. Then on Day-7, post-test was conducted. Data obtained were analyzed and interpreted by using both descriptive and inferential statistics in terms of frequency, percentages, mean, and S.D. score. Findings showed that: majority of population i.e. 47 (78.33%) were having good knowledge whereas 12 of these samples (20%) were having excellent knowledge and 1 of these samples were having poor knowledge. It was evident from the results that the mean post-test knowledge and practice score were more than mean pre-test scores. Findings showed that folk media was effective to gain knowledge and favorable perception regarding Ayushman Bharat -PMJAY. majority of samples i.e. 48 (40%) were having favorable perception and only 12(60%) samples were having neutral perception. The calculated “Z” value (2.10) for knowledge and the calculated “Z” value (4.06) for perception is greater than the tabulated “Z” value (1.645) at 0.05 level of significance at (df =59) which concluded that the Folk Media was effective in improving the knowledge and perception towards Ayushman Bharat -PMJAY among selected population of U.P. Chi square test was done showed that there was significant association between the mean post-test knowledge score with selected demographic variables. It was also showed that there was a significant association between the mean post-test perception score with selected demographic variables. The Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation was computed (r = 0.19) which indicate no relationship between the knowledge post-test scores and perception post-test scores regarding Ayushman Bharat-PMJAY among selected population of U.P.