Individuals affected with cancer as well as those ongoing the treatment for cancer faces a lot of psychological issues, not addressed in a satisfactory manner through any system of medicine, as per published studies. Cancer patients frequently present with anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder etc. Recent studies hold the view that positive mental attitude and belief can inhibit as well as prevent the occurring as well as worsening of conditions including cancer. The area is yet to be explored so as to lend a hand to the affected. Psycho-oncology is a developing branch of psychiatry as psychological interventions are said to provide good sort of relief as well as delay in the recurrence of cancer. Rigorous efforts from clinicians and researchers are the need of the hour to throw light on the scope of psychosocial approach in cancer. Ayurveda unwraps wide possibility for stress management with its several techniques, where several curative as well as preventive measures are explained for the unassailability of mind. There are a lot of drugs and treatment modalities explained which are psychotropic and simultaneously having immuno modulatory properties, of ultimate benefit in the management of psychological affections of cancer.