Aim: The study's objective is to examine how well-informed Nepalese physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists are about speech and hearing issues.
Methodology: There were questionnaires created. Five practicing speech and language pathologists validated a set of 20 (yes/no) questions and 10 multiple choice questions. A questionnaire concerning the person's profession or occupation is in the first part. In the second segment on audiology, there are 5 multiple questions and 5 yes/no questions, and in the last section on speech, there are 5 multiple questions and 10 yes/no questions.
Participants: Study includes the participants who are currently working under the target professionals in Nepal. Uncertified and retired participants were excluded from the study. There were also occupational therapists, psychologists, and physiotherapists. The poll did not include students who were enrolled in allied programmers like nursing, social work, or speech therapy.
Conclusions: Several experts in the field of speech and hearing completed a questionnaire to determine their degree of knowledge. The questionnaire went out to 30 experts in all, 10 from each of the departments of occupational therapy, psychology, and physiotherapy. As these professionals become more aware of the problem, there will be a surge in the number of patients who are referred for speech and hearing problems. Additionally, it would result in an efficient "team approach" for the rehabilitation of people with speech and hearing issues, improving their quality of life. Almost all of the experts concurred that specialists in speech and hearing should be important players in their respective professions. They also thought that speech and hearing specialists should be available everywhere in the country.