Aim: To do a survey on awareness on beneficial effects on millets based diet.
Objective: Millet are host of nutrients in human body. They are easily digestible. They have serotonin which help in calming mood swings.
Background: Millet is an important drought-resistant crop and the 6th cereal crop in the world in terms of agriculture production. Also, millet has resistance to pests and diseases, short growing season, and productivity under drought conditions when compared to major cereals. Therefore, millet grains are now receiving specific attention in terms of utilization as food from developing countries as well asfrom some developed countries in terms of its good potential in the manufacturing of bioethanol and biofilms from some developed countries in terms of its good potential in the manufacturing of bioethanol and biofilms.
Reasons: In South Indian population, Rice is the staple food. People who consume millet are very less.Since the nutritional value of millets are higher than that of rice, decided to create an awareness on the beneficial effects of millets.