Aim: The aim of the randomized pilot trial was to evaluate the efficiency of the AuSVIn in par with the conventional hand gesture communication that is usually followed universally during the dental procedures.
Objectives: This study comparatively evaluates the communication efficiency of conventional hand gestures and Audio Sensory Video Interface device during dental procedures and anxiety alleviating potential of Audio Sensory Video Interface device in pediatric patients during dental procedure.
Methods: It’s a Parallel split-mouth study with 14 subjects, wherein, every child was compared to himself/herself with two different modes of communication i.e. AuSVIn and hand gesture in separate appointments spaced one week apart. Sequentially Numbered Opaque Sealed Envelopes (SNOSE) were used for allocation and concealment for the selection of the mode of communication to be used in the subjects on the day of the dental procedure. Following the first procedure a washout period of one week was allocated before the cross arch procedure in the second appointment in which the other communication mode was assessed. To record the patient’s response objectively, a biometric record of patient’s heart rate was done. Each child’s Heart rate was monitored during the treatment at different intervals and during intraprocedural response with a pulse oximeter.
Results: Mean heart rate throughout the procedure, heart rate during LA administration and heart rate during intraprocedural responses shows statistically significant difference between the two modes of communication. With the heart rate being consistently lower in when AuSVIn is used as the communication mode.
Conclusion: The study shows that AusVIn has the potential of being not only an effective distracter but also an efficient and effective mode of communication between the child and the Paedodontist.
Clinical significance: Behavior management and effective communication between a dentist and the child are crucial factors required for a successful paedodontic practice. The innovation mentioned in the present study, AuSVIn, is assessed for its efficiency in aiding communication and role in alleviating apprehension through distraction, to claim with scientific evidence, its role as a tool in behavior management.