Knowledge in anatomy is essential for students practicing medicine. Acquiring basic knowledge in anatomy can be done efficiently with the help od cadaver dissection in the dissection hall. Major part of the learning of this crucial subject happens during cadaveric sessions. Aim: The aim of this study to compare the perception of the students to cadaveric dissection in male and female students. Materials and methods134 students volunteered to participate in this Comparative study. The Data was collected using a pre-validated closed-structured questionnaire from the 1st year M.B.B.S students of A.C.S Medical College and Hospital. All the students of the study participants had anatomy small group teaching every day in the month of February 2021, each session lasting for 2 hours The data collected from the students were segregated as per gender. The study included 65 male and 69 female students. The data collected were analysed in Excel windows version10Result: On data analysis, we found out that the unpleasant feeling while entering the dissection hall, fear and stress related to dissection hall and cadaver was more in females (89%,75%, 75%). Disturbances due to smell of formalin, irritation of the eye and recurring disturbing thoughts were more in the malestudents (71%,86%,85%). 99 % percent of students (both male and female) felt that dissection is mandatory. Conclusion: Perception to cadaver and sessions in dissection hall with cadaveric dissection varies with gender. The emotional component is more in female students and physical effects are more evident in the male students. But both the groups are agreeing to the fact that dissection cannot be replaced and is the best teaching tool to learn Anatomy.