Essential hypertension (EH), is the most common form of hypertension resulting in the elevation of blood pressure due to unknown cause. EH is also known to elevate the risk of cerebral, cardiac and renal disorders. In a genetic perspective, several polymorphisms have been found to be associated with EH along with epigenetic factors. Recent findings in this field provide concrete evidence about the involvement of hereditary factors which might precipitate as susceptibility to EH. In view of the above facts, a case-control association study was conducted to investigate the possible involvement of SLC6A9 (rs2286245) polymorphism in essential hypertensive patients of south India. A total of 568 cases and 604 controls were recruited for this study. Genotyping was performed using PCR-RFLP method. The overall geno type distribution revealed a p value of 0.861.Hence, the present study shows that SLC6A9 gene polymorphism (rs2286245)is not associated with essential hypertension in south Indian population.