Assessment of serum paraoxonase levels in dyslipidemic patients before and after therapy with lipid lowering agents in a tertiary care hospital in eastern india

Prajjal Kumar Sinha., Biswajit Majumder., Sharmistha Chatterjee and Amrita Saha

This Hospital based observational longitudinal study on Dyslipidemic patients naïve on lipid lowering agents and the level of serum paraoxonase evaluated at 0 month, 3 month and 6 month interval of starting Statin therapy in whom dyslipidemia were diagnosed by measuring mainly fasting HDL and LDL and subsequent effect of the statin was seen.CKD Patients, Thyroid disease patients, Pregnant women and children was excluded from study. Data analysed by Greenhouse-Geisser correction was applied showed significant correlation between serum paraoxonase and HDL level.
In conclusion,lipid lowering agents increased proportionately the percentage of serum HDL in dyslipidemic subjects, decreased significantly the LDL level, increased significantly the Serum Paraoxonase level.

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