Background: Caregivers of individuals suffering from psychiatric illness and malignancy are atrisk of being subjected to mental health consequences such as depression, anxiety and burnout. Community based studies indicated that family and economical burden is higher in patients with chronic psychiatric illness. The term “caregiver burden” is used to describe the physical, emotional and financial toll of providing care. As the disease progresses, it carries with it a tremendous increase of burden on the caregiver who does the care giving
Method: The present study was undertaken at department of psychiatry and oncology, Government General Hospital, Guntur. Total of 150 caregivers were included in the study.100 caregivers from psychiatry department and 50 caregivers from oncology department were enrolled in the study and data was compared by using BAS score.
Results: There was an significant association of caregiver burden with that of age, gender, socioeconomic status of the caregiver.
Conclusion: From our study we conclude that the care giver burden was high in males as compared to females. Age group of 30-40 are more prone to take care to the patients in both psychiatry and oncology compared to other age groups.