Toilet training or potty training is the process of teaching a young child to control the bowel and bladder and use the bathroom for elimination. A child is considered to be toilet trained when he or she initiates going to the bathroom and can adjust clothing necessary to urinate or have a bowel movement. Quasi experimental study – one group- pre test-post test design was used for this study. 100 samples were chosen by simple random technique by lottery method. After getting the consent, a pretest was conducted to assess the level of knowledge on toilet training, and post test was done after the administration of a self instructional module (SIM) on toilet training. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to interpret the findings. The study results was that self- instructional module had better results in improving the knowledge on toilet training among the parent’s of toddlers.( t= 40.6,P=0.0000). And there was significant association between post-test level of knowledge on toilet training and the educational status of the father.