Aim: To gain an overview of the knowledge regarding the success of vital pulp therapy among dental college students in Chennai.
Objective: The purpose of the study is to understand whether the students are aware of vital pulp therapy and its success.
Background: Dental pulp is an unmineralized oral tissue containing soft connective, vascular, lymphatic and nervous elements which occupies the central pulp chamber. It is the most vital part of the tooth. Vital pulp therapy is done to maintain the vitality and preserve the pulp tissue that is compromised and is indicated depending on the amount of exposure of the pulp and presence of infection. The different types of vital pulp therapy are indirect pulp capping, direct pulp capping and pulpotomy. Vital pulp therapy is also indicated for open apex to ensure proper root growth.
Materials and Method: Questionnaire was handed out to 200 dental college students in Chennai
Reason: To create awareness about vital pulp therapy among people to conserve the vitality of the tooth rather than invasive treatment such a root canal treatment.