Assessment of knowledge, attitude and beliefs about h1n1 influenza and its vaccination among mbbs students in a tertiary care hospital: a cross sectional study

Rahul Gupta., Akanksha Gulati., Vineet Kumar and Devender Kumar

Introduction: Influenza is highly contagious, acute febrile respiratory illness caused by influenza A and B viruses. Because of very large number of influenza patients health care personnel are at constant risk of getting exposed to this viral infection and its associated complications. Aim of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and beliefs about influenza among the medical students of Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla.
Methodology: We conducted a cross sectional study including MBBS students from first to final professional years using self-administered structured questionnaire. The questionnaire contained questions related to motivation, perception and health care practices regarding H1N1 influenza and its vaccination. Data was analyzed using SPSS v.20
Results: Out of 226 responders, 26%( 95% CI 20.51-32.34%), and 66% (95% CI 59.35-72.08%) students had poor and good knowledge about H1N1 influenza respectively. 41% of the participants were not aware about the influenza vaccination. Reasons for not getting vaccinated cited were not sure about its use (22%), not sure about its efficacy (24%) and unawareness of its side-effects (12%).
Conclusion: Knowledge on Influenza and its vaccination among medical students is good in IGMC Shimla. Unfamiliarity towards vaccine i.e. availability, misperceptions about effectiveness, fear of adverse effects and indifference to being-at-risk were found in current study. Multifaceted, adaptable measures are needed to be invoked urgently.

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