Background: Peritonitis due to perforation of the gastrointestinal tract is the most common surgical emergency all over the world. The spectrum of aetiology of perforation differs from its western counterpart. Majority of the patients present late, with purulent peritonitis and septicaemia. surgical treatment of perforation peritonitis is highly demanding and very complex, combination of improved surgical technique, anti microbial therapy and intensive care support has improved the outcome of such cases. The objectives of the present study were to study the clinical presentation of perforation peritonitis admitted in tertiary care hospital.
Materials and methods: It was aProspective Observational (Analytical) study, conducted during 18 months (November 2016 to June 2018). All the cases of perforative peritonitis i.e. hollow viscus perforation admitted in Krishna hospital during the study period were enrolled in the present study.
Results: Most of the cases presented with perforation peritonitis had duodenal perforation (42.30%), followed by gastric perforation (28.84%), appendicular perforation (13.46%), ileal perforation (9.61%), jejunal (3.8%), colonic perforation (1.9%).
Conclusions: The commonest presentation of perforation peritonitis was: duodenal perforation (28.84%), followed by appendicular perforation (15.38%), colonic perforation (13.46%), gastric (9.61%).