Arthroscopic management of isolated pcl injuries- clinical outcome at two years

Dr.Suresh Perumal, Dr.Prakash. A and Arumugam.S

Aim: Isolated PCL injuries are often considered as benign and treated conservatively. Aim our study is to determine the functional outcomes, efficacy of arthroscopic ally treated isolated PCL injuries treated by PCL reconstruction or fixation.
METHODS: 48 patients, each with an isolated PCL injury were taken in this prospective study of which 34 had complete PCL tear and 14 with PCL avulsion fracture. Patients with complete tear underwent single bundle PCL reconstruction with semitendinosis and gracilis tendon autograft and patients with displaced PCL avulsion fractures managed by arthroscopic fixation with suture bridge technique. Patients underwent regular follow-up postoperatively with clinical and radiographic evaluation. Clinical follow-up was done by Lysholm Knee Score, IKDC score. Patients had a minimum follow up of two years.
RESULTS: Mean preoperative Lysholm score for 48 knees was 41; mean postoperative Lysholm score was 90. had excellent results were achived in 36 of 48 patients and 8 patients had good results and 4 patients had fare result at final assessment. In IKDC grading, 42 patients were assessed as normal or near normal (grade A or B).
CONCLUSIONS: Arthroscopic management of isolated PCL injuries showed a good function outcome. Hence PCL injuries should not be considered as benign, High grade PCL injuries should be treated surgically to restore normal biomechanics of knee joint.
Aim: Aim our study is to determine the functional outcomes, efficacy of arthroscopic ally treated isolated PCL injuries treated by PCL reconstruction or fixation.

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