The applications of Artificial intelligence (AI) are now well developed in software algorithms, embedded and hardware for use in a vast number of healthcare fields. AI which emphasis on deep learning, as well as Machine Learning (ML) holds great promise and they are already being successfully applied to basic research, diagnosis, drug discovery, and clinical trials. Rare diseases (RDs) are rarely undertaken in basic and application of AI technologies could accelerate such fields. Computer-aided facial analysis couldbe a great boon in the diagnosis of genetic syndromes. Another extension of AI is facial Expression (FE )as a preferable biometric trait for automatic human authentication as it is intuitive and non-intrusive. FE are important in facilitating human communication and interactions. FE are fundamental to interpersonal communication, including social interaction, and allow people of different ages, cultures, and languages to quickly and reliably convey emotional information. Increasing evidence suggests that the visual representations of different emotional facial expressions may overlap and help to identify varieties of human disorders.