In present study, we evaluated radio-protective potential of green synthesized silver nanoparticles (CBE-AgNPs) against sublethal γ-radiations. The 50 mg/kg b.wt. dose of CBE-AgNPs was found most effective on the basis of survivability assay performed in male Swiss albino mice. This dose was used as treatment for further experimentation. Animals were then divided in three major experimental groups; a) radiation control, b) radiation+ plant extract and c) radiation+ CBE-AgNPs. Mice were autopsied at regular intervals to study the alterations in various biochemical parameters in liver homogenate. The results of this study showed that pretreatment of irradiated mice with CBE-AgNPs and plant extract produced a significant increase in liver glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase and total protein level compared to corresponding values of irradiated control. In contrast, liver lipid peroxidation level was significantly declined in irradiated mice groups pretreated with CBE-AgNPs and plant extract in comparison to gamma irradiated untreated mice. Results also demonstrated that AgNPs synthesized from C. borivillianum possess radioprotective efficacy significantly higher than the plant extract. In conclusion, CBE-AgNPs offer a physiological approach to ameliorate the radiation induced biochemical alterations. In addition, they provide sufficient protection against radiation injuries in liver of Swiss albino mice.