Right investment at a right place in right time is very much important, to do this individual investor need to know about the information relating to investment, it may not be possible for all to explore the available information, the reason being the variations in socio economic profiles. This research paper dives into the intricate association between demographic profiles and the sources through which individuals gain investment awareness. Select demographic factors such as age, education level, income, and occupation significantly influence information-seeking behaviour of individuals, this paper aims to discover explicit patterns and preferences on how different demographic profiles gain knowledge about investment opportunities available. The paper used 150 responses for the study and the analysis was carried out using chi-square test to reveals distinct differences in the reliance on various sources of investment information across demographic profiles. The research findings finally found that younger individuals belonging to high income groups exhibited a strong inclination towards digital platforms and social media as primary sources of investment knowledge. Conversely, aged respondents with lower income levels were inclined towards traditional media. Individuals with higher education levels demonstrated greater confidence in leveraging online financial tools and resources, and individuals with lower education levels often relied on direct human interactions for investment advice. The findings of the paper have significant implications for educators, financial institutions, and policymakers. By understanding the diverse information-seeking behaviours influenced by demographic factors will certainly help to design a tailored investment education and outreach programs to effectively target and engage different segments of the population which undoubtedly will not only increase the financial literacy, promote informed decision-making, but also will foster a more inclusive investment landscape and finally will contribute to greater financial well-being across various societies and will ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to make well informed financial decisions.