Soil serves as natural growth medium for plant as it has integral system of continuous recycling mechanism of organic and inorganic matter. Aurangabad is very fast developing and densely populated area, this factor is accelerating the rate of sewage discharge. Hence water bodies are contaminating by domestic as well as industrial discharge. The same water was utilized by some farmers for irrigation. In the present study 14 different locations of agricultural land which are irrigated by sewage water were compared with one controlled agricultural land irrigated by dug well for physico-chemical parameters such as Bulk density, Electrical conductivity, Water holding capacity, percentage of pore space, pH, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphate, Chloride, Organic matter and Total Alkalanity. Values obtained in the present study were recorded more of less than ideal values set by FAO. This implies that sewage water was polluting agricultural land and changing its physico-chemical values.