Analysis of chemical compounds from invitro propogated ethanomedicinal plants Bahunia purpurea, Cassia tora, Syzygium cumini, have used in pharmaceutical Company and innovative new drug, which cure infectious & non infectious disease. Different tests were done for phytochemical analysis of the methanol and aqueous extracts. Invitro propagated plants i.e. Bahunia purpurea, Cassia tora, Syzygium cumini through the different concentrations of growth regulator, supplemented medium, photoperiod & temperature. In invitro propoogated plants, chemical constitutes (i.e. Saponin, Tannin, Carbohydrate Glycosides, Flavonids, Steroids, Terpenoids, Reducing Sugar, Indole Alkaloids) may be or may not be present The explants as seeds & nodes used for invitro regenerated plants done from seed germination on H.Strenght medium without sucrose and growth regulator, in the culture media require different photoperiod 12-12,10-14,8-16, Most suitable 8-16 /light –dark for seed germination. However in invitro multiplication of Plants Bahunia purpurea, Cassia tora, Syzygium cumini on full M.S. Medium supplemented with different growth regulator (1mg/ml). Auxin (0.5µl/ml) & cytokinin (2µl/ml) shows very good response for a shoot multiplication by the explants of Bahunia purpurea, Syzygium cumini as well as multiplication shoot of cassia tora growth require higher concentration cytokinin ((4µl/ml) and auxin was same. Several experiments have found that growth regulators (Auxin & Cytokinin) are important for shoot multiplication of Bahunia purpurea, Cassia tora, Syzygium cumini plants, We got another result where highest percentage of seed germination found in Bahunia Purpurea, then Syzygium cumini, and lowest percentage in Cassia tora. This research aims to create a reliable protocol for the Invitro propogated plants and analyse chemical compound by propgated plants.