Aim - The study was to assess the causes of acute intestinal obstruction, clinical presentation and outcome for both conservative and operative management in acute intestinal obstruction.
Method - This is a prospective observational study of 60 adult patients admitted with acute mechanical bowel obstruction from February 2021 to February 2022.
Result – The result of present study showed that mean age group of 40-60 years. Incidence in males was more compared to females. Pain in abdomen was found in 57 (95%), vomiting in 40 (66%), distension of abdomen in 38 (63%) and constipation in 54 (90%) as patient’s chief complaint. Commonest cause for obstruction was adhesions followed by obstructed inguinal hernia.
Conclusions - From the study it can be concluded that conservative management can be tried in patients with previous history of abdominal operation and intestinal tuberculosis. Acute intestinal obstruction was more common in male than female. Investigations such as X ray abdomen in standing position and USG helps in ascertaining the site of intestinal obstruction.