Absenteeism is the term generally used to refer to unscheduled employee absences from the workplace. It is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation. Absenteeism is a big barrier for any kind of organization because its effect on organization growth. As we all know that human resource is an important part of organization and without them we can’t imagine the organization. The information needed for the research has been gathered from primary and secondary data. The response given by the Laborers of the company is analyzed and interpreted using different types of statistical tools which are percentage analysis, Chi square. This article throws light to increase the productivity and increase growth of an organization. The sample size of the article is 120. The questionnaire method as survey is used as a tool for collecting the primary data. The questionnaire has been designed by the researcher according to the objective of the study. A good interpersonal relationship for the smooth functioning of the organizational activities should be maintained