Background: Labor dystocia imposes life threatening complications which increases mortality and morbidity rates on both mother and fetus. This study aimed to determine risk factors, short term outcomes associated with second stage labor dystocia in both nulliparous and multiparous women admitted to King Abdulaziz Hospital, in Jeddah for delivery.
Method: This retrospective chart review was conducted during Jan 2014 – March 2016, 73 women presented for delivery at King Abdulaziz University hospital were enrolled.
Result: Seventy three women were diagnosed as a prolonged second stage of labor when they presented to king Abdul-Aziz University hospital for delivery, with the mean score of age 27.33±5.16, BMI 28.81±4.84, and GA 39.83±1.29, 54 (73.0%) participants were Primigravida and 40 (54.1%) reported C-section as mode of delivery, 48 (64.9%) had baby boys and 26 (35.1%) had girls (P=0.01), estimated mean score of birth weight was 3.33+.40.
Conclusion: The results of the current study addressed primigravida, increased maternal BMI, and male baby gender as some of the major risk factors for developing second stage labor dystocia, no major maternal or fetal complications detected in the current study. Further studies are needed to be conducted to address other major risks factor for developing dystocia.