The identification of skeletal remains is of paramount importance in medico-legal investigations and anthropological works. Pelvis and skull were the most often investigated skeletal components for gender determination. Various parameters in the Mandible can be considered as a valuable tool in gender determination since it possesses resistance to damage and disintegration processes. Presence of a dense layer of compact bone makes it very much durable and well preserved than many other bones.
Aims and Objectives: To record and infer various parameters in the archived Cone Beam Computed Tomographic images of mandible of males and female subjects which would benefit in effective sex determination.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted by using 100 archived CBCT images of patients acquired using promax 3D Mid ProFace. Images of 50 males and 50 female patients whose age ranged between 18-60 years were retrieved and various mandibular parameters which included
• Maximum breadth of the ramus.
• Minimum breadth of the ramus.
• Height of the condyle.
• Height of the coronoid.
• Projective height of ramus
• Gonial angle
• Inter Condylar distance
• Inter Coronoid distance
• Shapes of the chin were measured in both right and left sides using Romexis software.
Results: There was a statistically significant difference found in the maximum ramus breadth, height of the coronoid, height of the condyle, projective height of the ramus, with their mean values 53.49 + 0.76 mm, 66.42± 0.44mm 73.01±1.46mm and 69.08±1.15 in adult males, respectively and 35.25±1.29mm, 55.02±0.71mm and 63.82± 0.85mm and 56.41±0.49in adult females, respectively, there was three different types of chin shapes observed in both the sexes There was no significant difference was found in the intercondylar distance, intercoronoid distance, mandibular angle of males and females. The parameters used for the present study gave an overall 95.1% accuracy in determining the sexual dymorphism using mandible.
Conclusion: The mandibular parameters like maximum ramus breadth, height of the coronoid, height of the condyle, projective height of the ramus, gonial angle can be used effectively to determine gender.