Menarche and menstruation are two important aspects of a woman’s life1. Pre Menstrual Syndrome is a common disorders in women in which a group of physical and psychological symptoms occurs during the last few days of menstrual cycle and before the onset of menstruation2. In world PMS manifestations are high similar to very nearly 80-90% in which 5% are women who endure extremely and it affect their daily routine. 25% of immature young woman experienced PMS and PMS among profoundly instructed women are normal and expanded plausibility of worry with PMS is likewise observed. Commonness of PMS substantially more in age gathering of 15-49 years and between 90% of the women everywhere throughout the world3. In India, 75% of women have some symptoms, 30-40% suffers from impairments’ in their daily activities and 3-8% has severe Pre Menstrual Syndrome. About half of them have experienced 3 or more symptoms and 1 in 20 may require treatment. In India, 95% of adolescent girls have at least one symptoms of Pre Menstrual Syndrome and 89.8% have more than one symptoms of Pre Menstrual Syndrome4.
Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence and knowledge of Pre Menstrual Syndrome among the adolescent girls in selected school of Guwahati, Assam.
Method And Material: The research approach adopted for the study was quantitative approach. Non-experimental descriptive research design was used in this study. Convenient sampling technique was used to select the samples. The sample size was 109 adolescent girls from class VIII, IX and X who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Study was conducted in selected schools in Guwahati, Assam. The tools used for the study were semi structured questionnaire to assess the prevalence and knowledge of Pre menstrual syndrome. The technique used was self report.
Result: Out of 109 respondents, majority i.e. 73(66.97%) respondents had moderately adequate knowledge, 33(30.27%) respondents had adequate knowledge and three (2.75%) respondents had inadequate knowledge level. Out of 109 respondents, majority i.e. 85 (78%) had irritability, 51 (47%) had headache, 49 (45%) had abdominal bloating, 45 (41%) had anger, 38 (35%) had social withdrawal, 35 (32%) had breast tenderness, 33 (30%) had depression, 26 (24%) had confusion, 23 (21%) anxiety and only 21 (19%) had swelling of hands and feet.
Conclusion: From the study it was concluded that out of 109 respondents, majority i.e. 73(66.97%) respondents had moderately adequate knowledge. As to the association of prevalence and knowledge no association were found, in the association of prevalence and demographic variables, physical symptom (breast tenderness) was associated with Pre Menstrual problems faced. Emotional symptoms (anger, anxiety and social withdrawal) were associated with restriction of activity during Pre Menstrual Syndrome. In the association of knowledge and demographic variables significant association was found with previous knowledge of Pre Menstrual Syndrome and Educational activities affected during Pre Menstrual Syndrome.