Temporomandibular joint and neuro-musculature are the parts of stomatognathic system. These components must be in harmony with each other so as to maintain long term health and function of TMJ and teeth. Defects in any of these components prevent them from working in harmony and thus vicious cycle develops that could lead to Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). As conservative treatment mostly dentists prescribe patients NSAIDs like ibuprofen or diclofenac, other narcotic analgesics, muscle relaxants for pain relief and anti-anxiety drugs for stress managements. But this treatment is only symptomatic. Occlusal splints guide TM joint into harmonious stable position. One of the best suited modality to treat occlusal deformities as they are one of the prime cause of TMDs.
Case Report: This paper presents a case of patient who reported with pain in TMJ area mainly due to occlusal instability. As one of the most conservative treatment occlusal splint therapy was given to patient as a result of which pain complaint was resolved and radiograph post treatment showed improvement in condylar head shape.
Discussion: Occlusal splint helped to reduce or eliminate unfavorable loading forces and gradually returning the jaw to its centric relation. This slowly alleviates the masticatory muscle pain, TMJ pain, restricted jaw mobility and other signs and symptoms of the TMDs. Splint allows healing, remodelling and adaption of joint structures by controlling forces to the TMJs with properly bite splint design.
Conclusion: occlusal splints are one of most conservative and effective treatment modality for treating this pain disorders. Treating doctor must be watchful about the steps in fabricating this as much precision is required to get exact jaw relation.