Background: .Gestational Trophoblastic Disease is a group of heterogeneous premalignant and malignant lesions in reproductive age of women which are curable with acceptable morbidity. This study aims to assess the clinical profile and outcomes of GTD patients treated in the GTD clinic conducted by Department of Medical Oncology, Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai Medical College .
Methods: Records of 172 patients registered from January 2016 to May 2022 were analyzed. Demographic and clinical details of all patients were collected from the records.GTN was diagnosed by serial analysis of serum beta human chorionic gonadotrophin levels.The incidence of GTD and response to treatment were analyzed.
Results: Among 117 patients registered in GTD clinic 46 developed GTN majority being low risk (85%). 37% of low risk cases treated with methotrexate in first line experienced failure.All of them were cured with subsequent line of therapy. 6 out of 7 high risk patients achieved complete response with EMACO regimen while one patient was lost to followup.9 patients reported back with successful pregnancy including those treated with chemotherapy.
Conclusions: Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia is extremely chemosensitive and it can be cured with low morbidity .Treatment with chemotherapy in addition to high response rates does not hamper the fertility.