Effectiveness of sarolaner against sarcoptic, otodectic and demodectic scabies in naturally in fested dogs in argentina

Alejandro Blanco, Melisa López, Marcelo Duarte, Laura Kantor and Camilo Romero

Thirteen canines, naturally infested with sarcoptic, otodectic, or demodectic mange, of different breeds or mongrels, and of both sexes, were treated; a dermatological examination, analogous pruritus evaluation, and identification of lesions and the presence of ectoparasites were performed. The canines were treated with a sarolaner chewable tablet at a dose of 2 mg/kg (range 2–4 mg/kg).They were evaluated on days 14, 30, 44, and 60 post-treatment, and all patients showed significant improvement at the different evaluation days, showing no adverse effects.

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