Introduction and background: One of the most common entities we come across in Gynecology is abnormal uterine bleeding. In this condition parameters like frequency, duration & regularity of flow of menstrual cycle are altered. In the recent years for the removal of complete endometrial lining of uterus a minimal invasive procedure named Trans cervical Resection of endometrium has been developed. In order to reduce the menstrual bleeding the complete endometrium including deep endometrial basal gland along with superficial myometrium are required to be removed. The basal endometrial layer is removed in order to avoid endometrial proliferation in future.
Methods: A review of literature on endometrial ablation was undertaken using Google search, various studies describing endometrial resection and its advantages, disadvantages and its role in clinical practice were included in this study.
Results: In our study we reviewed different articles available on endometrial resection and results were analysed to assess the current place of hysteroscopictranscervical endometrial resection. All the studies that we reviewed showed good level of patient satisfaction in improving their menstrual blood loss.
Conclusion: In the cafeteria approach of treatment proffered to patients with abnormal uterine bleeding of benign pathology who have normal to just bulky uterus, endometrial resection has its own place and should be offered to women who have completed child bearing but desirous of conserving uterus or hysterectomy is contraindicated. Gynaecological surgeons should be taught this procedure and in proper skilled hands one may avoid many a hysterectomy.