Corona virus disease (Covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus. It affects different people in different ways. The most common diagnosis in severe covid 19 is severe pneumonia.
A case of 48 year female patient was suffering from covid 19. According to Ayurveda, patient was considered suffering from Vatkaphaj Jwar (1) in earlier stage and later it converts in to Sannipatik Jwar. (2) She was treated by oral Ayurvedic medications such as , Mahasudarshan ghan vati, Tribhuvan kirti Ras, Suvarnsutshekhar, Lakshmivilas vati according to the stage of the disease.
The mode of action of treatment was studied by taking clinical signs &symptoms recorded in a special case paper.
The study shows the successful management of Covid 19 with Ayurvedic management.