Background: Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings. There are many kinds of love, but many people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner (or partners). The need for human connection appears to be innate but the ability to form healthy, loving relationships is learned. The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Educational role play in terms of awareness regarding issues related to love affairs and its management. Methods: A pre-experimental research design was used for the study. Non -Probability Purposive Sampling technique was used for selecting the samples for the study. The sample consists of 30 students from Rajkiya Snatkotar Mahavidyalaya, Noida. Structured Awareness Questionnaire was used to collect data. The data was analysed and interpreted as per objectives and research hypothesis stated. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Results: The Awareness Score of College Students regarding issues related to Love Affairs and its management was assessed in which educational role play was administered. In pre-test, majority of the students 25(83.33%) were having average awareness score, 4(13.33%) were having Good awareness score and 1(3.33%) were having Poor awareness score. In post-test, majority of the students 28(93.33%) were having Good awareness score, 2(6.66%) were having average awareness score and none of the students were having Poor level of awareness. The awareness mean post-test score 26.1 of students is more than the pre-test mean 16.5 with the mean difference of 9.6, the calculated t value is 32.21 which is greater than the table value of 2.05 at the 0.05 level of significance. So, there was a significant difference exists among pre-test and mean post-test awareness score. Hence, research hypothesis H₁ is accepted. Conclusion: It concluded that the Educational Role Play regarding issues related to love affairs and its management was effective to the students. Suggestion: A similar study can be conducted with larger samples for better generalization.