Objective: To study Vitamin D level in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients and its correlation with disease activity.
Material and Methods: Our study was observational study which was performed on patients attending as outpatients and admitted as inpatients in General Medicine and allied departments of Sri Aurobindo Medical College and Post Graduate Institute, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. A total of 100 pre-diagnosed or newly diagnosed cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis (based on ACR/EULAR 2010 criteria) were included in the study from December 2018 to May 2020. Vitamin D level of patients were measured and DAS 28 was calculated.
Results: Mean Vitamin D level in our study was 19.07± 6.75ng/ml. 95% patients had Vitamin D deficiency out of which 6% patients had severe vitamin D deficiency ,54% were vitamin D deficient ,35% were vitamin D insufficient and 5% had normal vitamin D level. Mean Vitamin D was 15.31± 4.65ng/ml, 20.27± 6.19ng/ml, 28.28± 3.50ng/ml and 29.97± 1.42ng/ml in high disease activity, moderate disease activity, low disease activity and remission group respectively.
Conclusion: We observed that, Vitamin D deficiency was seen in RA patients and Vitamin D level is significantly low in patients of RA. The lower the Vitamin D, the higher the disease activity score. There was significant negative correlation between Vitamin D and disease activity score