Gastrointestinal parasitism not only affect the health but also disturbs the feed intake, feed conversion and feed utilization as well as growth of the animals there by severely affects the productivity and reproductive performance of animals. Fecal samples from 172 cattle, 208 goats and 112 dogs were collected from different panchayats belonging to three taluks of Wayanad district with complaints of weakness, emaciation, diarrohea, inappettance, rough hair coat, pale mucus membrane during the period from April 2014 to August 2018 were examined grossly with naked eye followed by microscopic examination by direct smear method, floatation and sedimentation technique. Samples were collected during three season of the district namely Rainy season (June - September), Winter season (October – February) and Summer season (March - May). The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasitism was found to be 54.06% in cattle, 49.51% in goats and 48.21% in dogs. Highest parasitic infestation was noticed during winter season in cattle, summer season in goats and dogs. Gastrointestinal parasites commonly noticed in cattle and goats were amphistome, schistosome, strongyle, monezia, strongyloid, toxocara and trichuris. Ancylostome, toxocara and Dipylidiumcaninum was noticed in dogs. Among the gastrointestinal protozoa, coccidian was commonly noticed in all species. The parasitic infestation in different species during different seasons of Wayanad district will be discussed in detail. These findings stress the need andtime forantihelminthic medication for domestic animals.